There are so many elements to our experience of life. Our adventure unfolds through adoring and exploring all of them within the beauty of our human nature, true inner nature, and wild outer world.

Offshore Wind Opposition - Saving Our Sea
Lynn Goodwin Lynn Goodwin

Offshore Wind Opposition - Saving Our Sea

I cannot imagine how such an invasive industrialization of our oceans would not adversely impact the ecosystem in some way. Sacrificing our oceans is too high a risk without actual proof of a positive impact on climate change.

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Food Lynn Goodwin Food Lynn Goodwin


Scallions help to clear the congestion brought on my the heavy, damp qualities of the season. Scallions are warming and cleansing.

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Carrot Salads
Lynn Goodwin Lynn Goodwin

Carrot Salads

As a root vegetable, carrots have more of the earth element than leafy greens, making them much more satiating

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The Gifts of Wonder & Awe
Lynn Goodwin Lynn Goodwin

The Gifts of Wonder & Awe

“It is a wholesome and necessary thing for us to turn again to the earth and in the contemplation of her beauties to know the sense of wonder and humility. ” -Rachel Carson

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Coming soon….

We have a deep human desire to manifest a life for ourselves that is most aligned with who we are and who we are always evolving into.  We strive to express our uniqueness, creativity, and contribution to life while also remaining close to our soul. 

This book explores the many ways you can authentically create a life that you adore simply by remembering your true nature.  It’s a journey of self-discovery, of understanding your human and spiritual nature.  By honoring and caring for both, you will manifest the truest expression of yourself. 

Book written by Lynn Goodwin

Cover Art: Joanna Read